december 23, 2024
december 30, 2024
may 26, 2025
june 30, 2025
december 26, 2024
january 2, 2025
july 3, 2025
November 23 - West Ky select bred heifer sale
December 10 - CPH select- vac sale
February 11 - CPH 2025 select vac sale
may 24 - west ky select bred heifer sale
march 2025 cowmen's kind bull sale
june 26, 2025 customer appreciation
december 16, 2024 - customer appreciation
April 26, 2025 - Middle tn hereford association
HERD Appraisal
Video Sales
Yes, we have an in-house veternarian at both of our locations. The veterinarians on site can pregnancy test your cattle before the sale. If you've bought cattle and would like to have the veterinarians work them, let us know at time of check out.
Do you have a veterinarian on site?
Yes, we currently are licensed to sell cattle, goats and slaughter hogs. We do not sell poultry or horses.
Do you sell other animals besides cattle?
We do not offer in house trucking, but we can connect you with plenty of private haulers that we know and trust.
Do we offer trucking?
Once you unload your cattle, you can go in to our scale house to pick up your weigh ticket. If you want to pick up your weigh ticket after the sale, ask one of our office workers to gather your ticket.
How do I find out what my cattle weighed?
Checks are available for pickup immediately after the sale concludes. It is a federal law that all checks from our sales be placed in the mail by 11am the day after our sale.
When will I receive my check for my cattle?
No, we use last names for customers purchasing cattle. Our large order buyers are given a designated buyer number. We will request to see your Driver's License at the time of checkout.